Below Thursday June 2, 2022.  Blue Tile installed, coping has been repaired and steps are being addressed. Photos will enlarge when touched. Check back for daily updates

Pool Renovation Photos Before and After

​Click on each photo

Wed 06/15/22

Thursday evening 06/09/2022.  Day one of Gunite is in the book.  We had heat and rain today.

Below Thursday May 26, 2022.  Replacing blue tile. Check back for daily updates

Mon June 6, 2022. Stucco going on

06/09/22 ​Palm Beach Shores Fire Department arrived today to put together a plan

to fill the pool when the time comes.

Tues 06/14/22

Below Sunday June 5, 2022.  Finished painting the coping. Check back for daily updates

Below Wednesday May 25, 2022.  Replacing new blue tile. Check back for daily updates

Thursday June 16, 2022...Pool completed,  Back in Use...

Our GRS Property Manager, Joe Mauceri,

showed up on his Saturday to check up on the pool renovation. Thanks Joe. 

June 9, 2022

Hello Owners
The pool renovation began on May 16-17, 2022 with the emptying of the pool. Today 06/09/2022 we have the Gunite crew here today. If you would like to see the progress in photos go to  I am posting each day's progress online. 
Enjoy the Summer

Thursday morning June 9, 2022, preparing to spray the Gunite today

Monday June 13,2021.....Pool Service arrived to SHOCK the pool

06/11/2022 morning....The water fill is completed by 10:30am...

06/10/2022  Final work before the PBSFD arrives to start filling.

06/10/2022  8:25pm  The PBSFD is checking on our pool water level

​June 10, 2022, the water filling started at 1:00pm.  Owners Guenther and the Prychodkos set up a nice snack bar for the Firemen while they filled the pool.

The little girl in photo one is Polly Minugh 1971. The photos with water are from 2017. It took two days to drain the pool, then the work began removing the old tile on May 18, 20 and 21.