PBSA Diary Dec-Jan 2024

Dec/2023.  There is a hoist stored in the 4th floor garbage room to help owners get groceries and luggage up to the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors. The hoist is limited to 39 feet and 100 lbs.  Sea Grape trimming. (SEE above) The BoD has spent money on MOBI MATS to climb over the dune to the beach. FYI MOBI MATS are used for wheelchairs to travel over flat soft sand not to be used on inclines like a sand dune.  Who made this decision?  Why was this not discussed? The last walkover cost the PBSA community $160 and lasted over 5 years.  A replacement boardwalk was offered to the BoD for consideration that would have lasted probably over 10 years at a cost of $6000. Instead the BoD incurred attorney fees to write cease and desist letters instead of contacting the contractor or designer Rich Bolton, who kept Gulley completely informed throughout the discussions with Florida DEP.  NO Ramp in the N/E corner of the building yet to go to the beach and pool that Joe had a great price on, WHY NOT?   A new grill has arrived to the pool area this week.  Please be sure to clean grill after each use.  Thank you.  Why are we paying so much for beach chairs and umbrellas being rented on our private beach.  We should have a discount or free rentals for allowing our property to be used to make money for someone else. Get ready to vote for the two openings on the new Board of Directors early 2024.  We will let you know who we feel will be transparent and honest.  

​12/27/2023. A painter showed up today to paint the Shuffleboard court. He painted the green area today and left.  Why was this not done this summer? There are people who are down just for his week and wanted to use it.  Board member seen walking in front of the building when strangers parked right in front of him and headed to the inlet, not a word was said that this is private property.  Job well done Mr Board member.  The pool guy showed up and left to return on Saturday.  As he was leaving it was pointed out the pool was full of sand and looked unkept.  He said he will be back on Saturday.  Oh, he did mention his vacuum was broken.  Money well spent. No work being done on the lobby column BTW.  Don't want to complain but nothing seems gets done around here and it looks it.  This Board has failed in so many ways.  To BE Continued...​

12/30/2023  The painter returned to apply a second coat of green paint and white markings.  We are now ready for the PBSA 2024 Shuffle Board Championship. Scotty will be happy. Why didn't they trim the bushes and tree on our south east property line that has grown high enough to block the ocean view for some?

01/10/2023  What is really going on with the columns?  Why were the balcony ceilings cut open?  Does the Board have any idea the seriousness of the situation? Why are we, the owners, not being informed?  Why was Tim Marshall not called in sooner?  Steve Pepe has been pointing out these problems all along and everyone ignored his warnings but now are doing exactly what he recommended.  Lastly what was done over the summer of 2023 around the building and why was the elevator project not pushed back to the summer of 2024 when it took years to get to this point. These are my questions that I am sure will not be answered. Rich Bolton 410

P.S. Don't shoot the messenger.  You all should be asking these questions and the BoD should be the one to tell us what is happening around here.  Total Transparency would be nice.

01/16/2024    I have an update on the elevator. The inspector only approved the operation of the elevator if there is an elevator operator. No problem when Anthony and I are here, however once we leave someone needs to operate the elevator. Any volunteers? If the elevator is taken to the 4th floor it will NOT come back down to the 1st floor or any other floor unless we run it manually. Please DO NOT press buttons to try and get the elevator running. The process is: 
Enter the Elevator  
Press the floor you wish to go to
Hold the CLOSE DOOR button until the elevator begins to move. 
If the elevator stops on the floor you choose, someone will have to bring it back down to the first floor. We need to come up with a system where as you can call the office and Anthony or I will come and get you. This is the best we can do for now until we replace the broken part. 
Joseph Mauceri Community Association Manager
...well that made it clear...LOL

The elevator is running with specific instructions to operate the lift.  Why does the largest elevator company taking so long to finish our project?  How come our part is unavailable after 4 months of construction?  FYI,  No work being done on the columns in the lobby.  Is this a serious situation?  BoD, let the ownership know these answers.

01/18/2024  There is talk about our House Rules have been changed/updated.  Why did the BoD not inform the ownership of what was changed?  We would like to see what was changed and why and who made these changes?  Transparency is needed.  The election for the two open Board seats is less than a month away.  Could we see a background sheet/resume on those running?  A ZOOM meeting has been scheduled to Meet the Candidates who have submitted an Intent to run for the Board for Wednesday, February 7, 2024 at 4:00 PM.  GRS Manager is inviting you to the scheduled Zoom meeting.
Thank you 

01/19/2024​  The Hoist was been removed now that the elevator is operational.  Anthony has stored it in the workshop if needed in the future.

01/20/2024  For those keeping track, it has been 11 days since any work has been done on the columns.  FYI... Former BoD Pres. Kevin Bennett fired USSI before the job was done.  Our Engineer, Tim Marshal, missed that these columns were skipped.  The new contractor that was hired to fix this mess cut into the ceilings of the 05 and 06 stacks compromising the structural integrity of our building.  Why are we not told this and told what is being done to fix this.  If this is nothing but rumor please address the situation and stop the rumors.  Transparency would be nice.  We are the owners of the building in case you have forgotten.

01/22/2024. The elevator will be out of service from 12:30 until 3:30 PM. The new part has arrived and will be installed.  
Joseph Mauceri Community Association Manager

01/24/2024   12:21 PM   The new part was installed yesterday; however, I have no information if the part is working. In the meantime continue to use the elevator as you were before yesterday. I have reached out to Otis. I'll update you as I know more.  
Joseph Mauceri
Wed, Jan 24,2024  2:51 PM   The elevator is out of service. We do not have a time it will be back in operation. The fuses blew out and the mechanic is in route to purchase new ones. Also, there is a Schwinn bicycle on the 4th floor near the elevator door up against the wall. Please remove it, bicycles should be kept in your apartment or storage area. Thanks 
​My response. 3:01pm   This is ridiculous, Joe. Fuses don't just blow.  Someone did not do their job correctly. Please take control.  Rich

Fri Jan 26, 2026 11:55 AM   Elevator Update: I have just been informed that as of 11:49 AM the elevator has passed all inspections and is fully operational. 
Joseph Mauceri Community Association Manager
For those keeping track, it has been 15 days since any work has been done on the columns in the breezeway/lobby, possibly holding up the building.  

Mon, Jan 29, 11:46 AM   ATTENTION! All Shuffleboard players and spectators come on down Wednesday 1/31/2024 at 3:00 PM for open Shuffleboard Matches. Thanks Rick Koch, see you all on Wednesday .
Joseph Mauceri Community Association Manager
PS Still NO work being done on the compromised column in the lobby/passthru.  Will the BoD ever respond. Transparence is something real. Rumors are a problem.  One owner is stating a price to fix it, yet we ,as owners, do not receive the same info. Why is that?

Wed. 01/31/2024   Finally people showed up about the Column. Three contractors and Anthony.  Where is a BoD member?  Where is the GRS GM?  New clock starts Feb 1, 2024 to watch the progress on the column.

​Today Shuffle Board returned to PBSA.  The Commissioner Emeritus Hank Kidder Presided over the opening ceremony. President-elect, Rick Koch, gave the opening remarks and wished everyone a wonderful 2024 season. Scotty cut the ribbon to start the games. Special thanks to Mary Bolton for being persistent in getting the courts to be resurfaced and repainted. This year we had Sheila and Lynne, Mary Beth and Rick,  Scotty and Randy , Joe and Greg.  After a close and challenging competition the team of Mary Beth and Rick prevailed over the powerful team of Greg and Joe.